Lonnie S. likes coming to his high school and socializing, but that wasn’t always the case. At his previous school, he was bullied and struggled both socially and academically. That all changed when he transferred here. “This school is more welcoming and the teachers are so understanding,” he explained. “It’s such a positive environment. My principal and teachers encouraged me to make better decisions and they guided me in the right direction.”
Lonnie’s enjoyment of school recently won him an award for high grades and credit completion. He’s taking career technical education (CTE) classes in craft skills or construction/carpentry skills, learning about construction safety and how to use a variety of power tools. “I earned a certificate in craft skills introduction, and I even built a bird house!”
Lonnie grew up in a rough neighborhood, surrounded by gang violence and drug use, and changed schools numerous times, falling further behind each time. “My teacher encouraged me to try harder and not let my negative experiences affect me,” he explained. “They have inspired me to be myself no matter what and to keep pushing through.”
He has been catching up on credits and will graduate in March. He’s been meeting with military recruiters and is eager to join the U.S. Marine Corps. after graduation.