With college tuition continuing to escalate and student loan debt at an all-time high, parents are looking for help. September is College Savings Month, created to remind parents about the importance of saving for college and to help them take advantage of the various tax breaks and options to start a college fund. Currently only four in 10 parents are saving for their child’s college education, necessitating large student loans that put a burden on the family and student for years.
There are not enough conversations about the cost benefits of dual enrollment. By taking college-level courses in high school, students can complete a semester or two, thus significantly reducing the overall cost of college.
The average cost per credit at a public, four-year university ranges from $312 for in-state residents to $879 for out-of-state tuition, and $1,092 per credit at a private college. Factor in room and board and other expenses, and these figures can more than double. So dual enrollment can save families thousands of dollars – and there are more benefits for students. Dual enrollment may help students get into the college of their choice, since admissions directors like to see candidates who have challenged themselves academically in high school.
While about 30 percent of college freshmen drop out in their first year, FLEX dual enrollment students tend to be more successful when they enroll in college. Our personalized, one-on-one instruction and a flexible schedule is similar to college, so it’s an easier transition for our students. They already have learned to work independently, manage their time and avoid procrastination.