Month: July 2024

Why Jacob Wants to Be a Teacher

Jacob R. was an active and busy kid who had trouble focusing. His home life was rocky, sometimes living out of hotels or in the family car, and as a teen he ended up in a group home. Fortunately, his grandmother gained custody of him when he was 16 and he has lived with her […]

Written by on July 29, 2024

What High School Students Need to Feel Connected

When teens feel that adults at their school care about their learning and about them as individuals, they are more likely to have higher grades and test scores, have better school attendance and stay in school longer, according to the Centers for Disease Control. When youth feel connected to their school, they are less likely […]

Written by on July 29, 2024

With help of non-profit, teens from Hilltop overcome adversity to graduate

For some people, graduating high school may seem like a common accomplishment. But for many youth in the Hilltop neighborhood, that diploma can feel out of reach. The non-profit, MY Project USA, is celebrating several teens who beat the odds and are now the first in their family to graduate high school. These teens have […]

Written by on July 1, 2024