Category: Press Releases

Should Teens Make New Year’s Resolutions?

FLINT, Mich. (January 14, 2025) – Since fewer than 10 percent of people who make New Year’s resolutions keep them, it’s a wonder why anyone bothers. Quitter’s Day (the second Friday in a new year) has come and gone but at Flex High School, a network of public high schools in Michigan and Ohio, students […]

Written by on January 14, 2025

Parent Involvement Is Critical for Student Success

What is the one thing above all others that determines how successful a student will be in high school? Study after study show that it is parental involvement. Students with supportive parents are 81 percent more likely to graduate, 44 percent more likely to attend post-secondary education, and they earn higher grades and miss fewer […]

Written by on January 19, 2024

Can Mentoring in High School Keep Teens Out of Gangs?

Some kids may be fascinated by the gang lifestyle and love the rush and adrenaline of breaking the law, according to Robert Ontiveros, former gang member and CEO of Community Wraparound, a nonprofit organization that focuses on mentoring to keep teens out of gangs. While the average age that a teen joins a gang is […]

Written by on January 19, 2024

How Can High Schools Better Serve Teens Experiencing Homelessness?

This week, 16-year-old Joey will sleep in a soft bed, take a warm shower and have a place to keep his belongings. He’ll then make his way to our school where he is catching up on credits and hopes to graduate soon. For most of the past year, he has experienced homelessness – couch surfing […]

Written by on December 14, 2023

Keeping Students with Disabilities Learning Alongside Their Classmates

Imagine a high school where the entire student body isn’t aware that 20 percent of the students are enrolled in special education or SPED classes. It’s the dream of all parents of those with special needs to not be isolated from other students…and the desire of every parent that varying levels of educational needs not […]

Written by on December 14, 2023

Can High Schools Do More to Prevent Bullying?

Bullying in high school is up since the pandemic, with more students saying they have been bullied at school. And more than 40 percent of bullied students said the incidents took place in hallways, stairwells and classrooms. “There are so many opportunities for kids to bully others in traditional school settings,” said Shellie Hanes, superintendent. […]

Written by on October 18, 2023

Youth Art Month Allows Students to Show Their True Colors

COLUMBUS, Ohio (March 10, 2023) – Habib A. always liked art and drawing but had no idea that it could become a path to a career until his high school art teacher helped him develop his talent and explore directions that could become a profession. “During the pandemic, I kept falling behind in school and […]

Written by on March 10, 2023

From Homelessness to High School Graduation and HBCU Scholarship Recipient, FLEX Grad Starts Her First Semester at Central State University

CLEVELAND (March 10, 2021) – Graduating from high school and attending college was once only a dream to Dreama S., 19. After overcoming multiple obstacles including surviving cancer, the trauma of losing a sister and experiencing temporary homelessness, she graduated with honors from FLEX High School in the fall of 2020 during a national pandemic. She […]

Written by on March 10, 2021